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Consulting, Advice, Coaching, Strategy & Creative Reviews

If you've got a challenge or a problem or an opportunity or a conundrum, let us know. 

Every brief is different - if it has anything to do with advertising, your marketing, your agency, a brief, a new business strategy, a partnership that's wobbly, the structure of your in-house agency or anything else, we'll have a view to how to make it work better.

Partnership alignment

The relationship between agency and client must be a partnership and must be successfully aligned around Professional, Procedural and Psychological elements if it aims to produce its best work.


We have a customised process which we've run successfully for 15 years to ensure we reach the root of the issues, and ensure we fix them.


We have a team of the very best strategists and creative directors who can advise you on your current output through a review system (think Dragon's Den but nicer) and help make it sronger, more insightful and better.

We (with our SoloUnion partner) can do this in a Hands-Off way (we develop the big idea and your agency produces it) in a Hand-Hold way (we work with your team and ensure it's as good as it can be) and in a Hand-Over way (we hand it over but we oversee it at key points in production). 


Anything to do with brands and agencies, I can help.

Examples of briefs:

- Help me build an integrated team in my agency (Telco)

- I have a workflow problem with my digital media tem (Media Agency)

- Help me train my team in Nigeria to be more conscious in the Activations (Alcohol Brand)

- Do I need a CMO, asks the CEO of a large CPG company?

- Help us with our Portfolio Strategy after the merger of two big food co's


Leadership Coaching

Strategy Coaching

Specific Skills Coaching

Leadership Development Coaching 

Whether you're on the client or the agency side, you need to work better together to create better commercial creativity.


Because it works better.   


And if you get your strategy right, sort out your processes, get the right people & skills in place, you'll reduce the time it takes, reduce how much it costs and achieve better growth. No brainer?


Don't file this in "Important but Not Urgent". 


Contact me today.

Book a free 30 min Zoom Chat

or send me a mail

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+2783 2659099

Find me on the socials: links top right in menu bar

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